All New Triton 2015

All New Triton 2015

This is a great opportunity for members of this forum to get their questions regarding the new model answered.

Here's a few. I stopped myself before it got out of hand :lol:

1/. How does the new engine/engine range deal with emissions. Is it the PCV/EGR system we've all come to know and loathe or have the issues caused by this system been addressed/resolved?

2/. Is the auto carried over from the previous model? If so have the overheating issues experienced by some been addressed with improved cooling?

3/. Is the chassis all new or a carry over from the previous model? If carried over has it been strengthened? If new what has been changed to prevent the issues seen with the current Triton chassis? Issues that have been blown out of proportion thanks to the internet but it's still a relevant question regarding a ute that is rated to tow 3 tonne+

4/. I wonder what the rear suspension setup is going to be? Will they stick with leaf springs or introduce a Challenger style coil arrangement or perhaps have the coil rear end an option or available only on the GLX-R? Whatever the situation, it would be worthwhile getting some information regarding the quality of the suspension. ML and MN Tritons were sold with woefully inadequate dampers, springs that squeak and coils that sag. Have there been improvements made to the quality of the suspension system components that has them more in keeping with what would be expected from a vehicle of this nature?

5/. Does Mitsubishi believe that they finally have a true competitor to Hilux and Ranger, one that won't need to be discounted to maintain sales or will Triton continue to be aimed at the value conscious buyer with sales targets being met via discounting?

6/. What has been changed to resolve previous QC issues such as fading paint, premature wear of interior painted plastic surfaces and anything wrapped in leather?

7/. Who is buying Triton and is Mitsubishi looking to change this mix with the new model? Is it predominantly fleets and where does the private buyer fit into this?

8/. In a world sense, how large is the Australian market for Triton/L200? What are the largest markets for this vehicle and which markets specifically is Mitsubishi designing the Triton for? For example, if it was Australia, we'd probably be seeing a larger diesel engine option, possibly a wider cab, better a/c, stronger suspension components and a chassis better suited to load carrying and bad roads.

9/. What is the monthly and annual sales target for the new Triton in Australia, how does it compare to their expectations with MN and is it likely to be affected by any supply issues? Will the retail price be discounted to achieve this target?

10/. Aftermarket gear for a new Triton is generally slow to market. Has MMAL provided Tritons to the main accessory manufacturers to jump start this process? If not are they planning to in the very new future?

11/. Will MMAL be selling an accessory range for the new Triton and if so what and when will it be available? This is something that Mazda got right into with the BT50 and all manufacturers know that the aftermarket accessory business is a big thing with 4WD buyers

12/. Why was the 10 year drivetrain warranty dropped? This was a factor often quoted by new Triton buyers as one of the main reasons for their decision to purchase a Triton.

All New Triton 2015


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